Vehicle Rentals
Last updated
Last updated
There are 2 sql files included, the file named Sql is just the entire qb/qbx-garages sql updated with my additions.The other is the sql that would alter the current database table to include my additions. (just felt to include both for whatever reason).
Add the following in ox_inventory > data > items.lua
Copy the image/s within kevin-rentals > images
Paste the image/s in ox_inventory > web > images
Add the following to qb-core > shared > items.lua
If using ps inventory add the following snippet in ps-inventory > js > app.js around line 449
Copy the image/s within kevin-rentals > images
Paste the images in qb inventory > html > images
name: The name of the gang
grade: The grade of the gang
type: The type of the job (e.g., 'mechanic')
grade: The grade of the job
use: Whether to use the blip (true/false)
sprite: The sprite ID for the blip
color: The color ID for the blip
scale: The scale of the blip
label: The label for the blip
icon: The icon for the rental location (FontAwesome icon class)
model: The model hash for the NPC
coords: The coordinates and heading for the NPC (vector4)
scenario: The scenario the NPC will perform
hash: The vehicle hash
rentalCost: The price of the vehicle rental
minRentalDays: The minimum rental days
maxRentalDays: The maximum rental days
fuelLevel: The fuel level of the vehicle
image: The image URL of the vehicle
coords: List of coordinates for vehicle spawn points (vector4)